For a future without childhood dementia

Childhood Dementia (Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis, or NCL)  is a metabolic disease that has hardly been researched to date. It is incurable, progresses inexorably and leads to early death.
Affected children go blind, suffer from epilepsy and increasingly lose their cognitive and motoric abilities until they die - usually before the age of 30. As the NCL Foundation, we are committed to national and international research funding in order to give children affected by NCL a prospect of previously missing therapeutic and curative approaches.

Annual report 2023

You can find more information about our activities in 2021 in our annual report.

2023 Annual Report (NCL Foundation)
2023 Annual Report NCL Foundation.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 1.2 MB

About NCL

NCL is the most common form of childhood dementia. It is still fatal and incurable. Learn more about the course and the main indications of this cruel disease.»

What we do

Our primary goal is to find a cure for NCL. We invest in research, inform medics and try to  shred more light on this rare disease.»

Who we are

Our small team is situated in Hamburg. We are supported by our foundation board, scientific advisory council and many others.»

How to help

Would you like to support us? Besides donating, there are a lot more ways you can help.»

NCL literature

You will find a regularly updated list of the latest scientific publications on the different forms of NCL here.

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